Prepping for Back to School: A Guide for Kids & Parents

As the summer days begin to wane, the anticipation of a new school year grows. At EastSide Charter School, we understand that the transition from summer fun to school routines can be challenging for both kids and parents. Here are some tips to help you prepare and make the back-to-school experience smooth and exciting.

For Parents

  1. Create a Routine Early

    • Adjust Bedtimes: Start moving bedtime earlier a few weeks before school starts. A well-rested child is more focused and ready to learn.

    • Morning Practice: Practice the morning routine to make sure everyone knows what to expect. This includes waking up, getting dressed, having breakfast, and leaving for school.

  2. Organize School Supplies

    • Shopping List: Check the school’s supply list and take advantage of back-to-school sales.

    • Label Everything: Labeling your child’s belongings can prevent them from getting lost, especially for younger students.

  3. Healthy Habits

    • Nutritious Meals: Plan balanced meals and snacks that provide energy and focus for the school day.

    • Health Check-ups: Schedule any necessary health appointments, including vaccinations and eye exams.

  4. Communicate with the School

    • Meet the Teachers: Attend any orientation sessions or meet-the-teacher events.

    • Understand Policies: Familiarize yourself with the school’s policies on attendance, dress code, and communication.

For Kids

  1. Get Excited About Learning

    • Reading Time: Start reading books related to your upcoming grade. This helps in getting back into the learning mindset.

    • School Supplies: Involve in choosing your school supplies. Picking out notebooks, backpacks, and pens can be fun and gets you excited for school.

  2. Organize Your Space

    • Study Area: Set up a quiet, organized space at home for doing homework.

    • Backpack Ready: Pack your backpack with all the necessary supplies a day before school starts.

  3. Set Goals

    • Academic Goals: Think about what you want to achieve this school year. Whether it’s improving in a subject or joining a new club, having goals can motivate you.

    • Personal Goals: Consider goals like making new friends or participating in extracurricular activities.

  4. Practice Independence

    • Morning Routine: Practice getting ready for school by yourself. This includes brushing your teeth, getting dressed, and making your bed.

    • Homework Responsibility: Take responsibility for completing your homework on time and keeping track of assignments.

A Smooth Transition

Preparing for the new school year is all about creating routines, setting goals, and building excitement. At EastSide Charter School, we are committed to supporting our students and parents every step of the way. Here’s to a fantastic and successful school year ahead!

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Let’s make this school year the best one yet!


Back to School: Foundations for a Successful Year


The Importance of Encouraging Summer Reading