APEX Honors Program
Is your student ready for a unique and rewarding challenge?
EastSide’s APEX program serves students in 5th through 8th grades, with advanced academic abilities, providing them with an education that both supports and extends those abilities. Students graduating from APEX will be socially, emotionally, and academically prepared for success in academically rigorous high schools such as Tower Hill, Sanford, and Wilmington Friends.
Students participate in immersive experiences at independent schools, engage in a variety of areas with community partners in activities and programs both at school and outside of school hours, and explore individualized interests and areas of study.
Advanced Curriculum
Students engage in extended small group modeling, discussion and practice with mathematical content and explore real-world mathematical scenarios to apply their learning. They also spend time each week refining skills from earlier grade levels and working on building fluency with mathematical processes.
Students read both independent and whole-class novels, plays, and articles and engage in an extensive reading and writing workshop to support thorough comprehension and clear, purposeful writing.
Students engage in deep thinking, reading, and discussion about science, along with hands-on activities and experiments designed to cultivate scientific thinking and deep engagement with the science content.
Students explore the principles and processes of civics, economics, geography, and history.
Students develop the skills necessary to become successful language learners in future courses. This new course includes instruction in reading pronunciation guides, basic conversational skills in multiple languages, an introduction to language-learning tools, and an exploration of cultures throughout the world where target languages are spoken.
Affiliate Schools
APEX students attend classes at our community partnership schools (Tower Hill, Sanford, and Wilmington Friends), helping them become admissible to top schools after graduation. Students participate in immersive experiences, engage in community activities and programs both in and out of school, and explore their individualized areas of interest and study.